Prof. Kelsey Hegarty

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Prof. Kelsey Hegarty


Kelsey Hegarty is an academic GP who holds the joint Chair of Family Violence Prevention at the University of Melbourne and the Royal Women’s Hospital, co-chairs the Melbourne Research Alliance to End Violence Againste Women (MAEVe), and is Director of the Postgraduate Primary Care Nursing Course at the University of Melbourne.

She is passionate about transforming health systems to address domestic and family violence through innovative early engagement with all members of the family. To that end, she led the development of the RACGP White Book on Abuse and Violence and its associated GP learning module, developed the Composite Abuse Scale to measure domestic violence, and continues to develop and teach innovative domestic violence and mental health curriculae to undergraduate and postgraduate medical and nursing practitioners.
She provides regular expert advice to the World Health Organisation, and is skilled in health services research and the evaluation of online interventions for family violence prevention.